POP Displays
POP Displays
Chipboard POP displays are extremely popular for creating brand awareness and promoting impulse buys. That is why checkout counters in almost all retail chains are littered them. They are perfect for a wide range of items such as energy shots, balms and lotions, snacks, and even small household items like flashlights or lighters. The useful features of this design are that top flap converts into the display’s header, and the tear perforation allows the box to easily convert from a unit carton style to a display. These features are useful because the product is better protected inside of its master case, and they allow the box to be easily converted to a display once at the retailer. These can be customized with different styles of bottom flaps, tear perforation or no tear perforation, Header or no header, and inserts to hold individual items in place.
When to use:
- Create brand awareness and promote impulse buys
- Product sample sales
- Product Promotions
- Small everyday products